PawPaws Crumb
10:00am - 12:00pm
Known colloquially as a “prairie banana” for its custard-like flesh and tropical mango-meets-banana flavor, the pawpaw tree produces the largest edible fruit native to North America. The fruit is actually a delicate berry that contains dark black seeds and flesh that can be scooped easily when ripe from its skin. Because the fruit is so perishable, falling from the tree when ripe, pawpaws are still largely unknown because they rarely make it to local market stands.
In this collaborative workshop, we’ll work with the prized pawpaw harvested fresh and ripe by The Philadelphia Orchard Project and cover pie-making techniques to turn this fruit into a scrumptious protein-packed pie (including crumb topping).
A portion of the proceeds will go to support The Philadelphia Orchard Project’s work to grow and support community orchards throughout the city of Philadelphia.

Cancellations received prior to 48 hours will receive a full refund. Cancellations after 48 hours and no shows will be charged the full amount.